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Exhibits > Submersible pumps > Rainkit Sanisub 800
Submersible pumps
Rainkit Sanisub 800
Dual pump solution for installation in collection shafts or pump sumps

Pump solution for installation in collection shafts or pump sumps for draining rooms, basins or tanks below the backflow level, as well as during periods of heavy rainfall. This drainage solution comprises two pumps mounted on a stainless steel frame. The pumps work alternately. The PVC piping is pre-assembled.

Submersible pumps
Rainkit Sanisub 800
Dual pump solution for installation in collection shafts or pump sumps

Pump solution for installation in collection shafts or pump sumps for draining rooms, basins or tanks below the backflow level, as well as during periods of heavy rainfall. This drainage solution comprises two pumps mounted on a stainless steel frame. The pumps work alternately. The PVC piping is pre-assembled.

Special features
  • Pumps that work alternately increase fail-safe performance
  • Great stability due to stainless steel frame with overflow filling and pre-mounted pressure pipe
  • Reliable control via external control terminal and separate alarm float
  • Also suitable for slightly contaminated water with suspended matter (max. 20 mm)
  • Built-in thermal winding protection to prevent overheating damage
  • Suitable for rainwater
Technical data
Rainkit Sanisub 800
Discharge head max. (m) 11
Flow rate max. (m³/h) 15
Waste water type Clear water
Drive shaft Stainless steel
Motor housing Stainless steel
Pump housing PP GF
Seal NBR
Pump wheel PA 6 GF
Electrical class I
Frequency (Hz) 50-60
Degree of protection IP68
Number of pumps 2
Immersion depth (m) 7
Power input P1 (W) 800
Power output P2 (W) 600
Speed (1/min) 2800
Current type Single-phase
Power input P1 max. (kW) 0.8
Power output P2 max. (kW) 0.6
Voltage (V) 230
Connection cable length (m) 20
Max. recommended height (m) 11
Pressure line diameter thread (inch)
Free passage (mm) 20
Max. temperature (°C) 35
Max. temperature of pumped liquid (short-term, max. 5 min.) 70 °C
Circuit type Float valve
Wheel type Multi-channel wheel